Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31 - Last day of January

Everyone is saying it, but seriously, can you believe we're saying goodbye to January already?  I can't!  But in some strange way, it feels as though the year has been going on forever already.

Anyways, my look for today was a real bargain ... the skirt and t-shirt I bought over the weekend at Jet at it cost less that R150.00, the scarf was more expensive than either of them (which I also bought this weekend).  The shoes cost more than all the three the above items ... lol.

 When chatting with the other secretary, she said, "Wendy, why are you wearing two different earrings"?.  I thought she'd gone batty, but sure enough, I had one pink earring and one pearl earring ... what more can I do than kick up my heels in my pretty nude sandals.
 Top and Skirt from Jet, Scarf and belt from Edgars, Shoes from Truworths.

Now I've taken my shoes off and am about to start getting ready to head to class what do I see when I look down?  My nailpolish is the exact same colour as my flip flops ... lol.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

... bye bye weekend

I'm about to head for my evening shower and that will officially signal the end of yet another weekend, A.L.R.E.A.D.Y.!  Seems that no matter how hard I plan, I just don't seem to achieve all the 'me' things I plan, namely scrapbooking or doing some work on my website ... but, I did get to spend the entire morning yesterday with Jarod ... we went shopping, just the two of us, we had breakfast and he did not need to compete with anyone for my attention the whole morning.  It's not often that he and I get time alone and what was great, was how affectionate he was towards me the rest of the day and the evening ... it was great.

I did more sorting in my wardrobe this morning ... I have decided to stop trying to fool myself into believing that I could successfully do 'T.G.A.A.D' ... I failed completely.  I keep saying 'enough' ... but then I got to the stores and I see a shirt that screams my name and shoes that jump off the shelves onto my feet ... and skirts and pants that get a strangle hold of me and demand to be taken home ... sigh ... so I've given up fooling myself, however, my wardrobe is not lying, it's taking strain under the weight.  I had to hang clothing double, much as I don't like to, but I could not move the hangers anymore.  So I cleared the bottom draw of my chest of drawers and put my jeans in there and between that and the double hanging, its allowed for a little more 'movement' ... I still dream of this, but my clothing collection is a little larger but it would be great to have all the shelves and shoe boxes and just the sheer space in this closet.

 But alas, mine won't be looking like this anytime soon, but it's a lot better than it was when dawn broke.  I'm working at it every weekend and seem to be making headway .. now if only I could convince G-man that I really do need his closet ... ah, dreams are good friends ... but a tidy wardrobe is better and a few new items, divine ... and with that I wish you a good night and sweet dreams, hope the week ahead is fabulous and stylish.

Ciao bella ...

P.S. ... if the anonymous visitors passes by ... please answer this question ... are you per chance my good ol' net buddy Miss Judi?  The comment about the camera being flood on the mission trip rang a bell.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What's your 'smell'

I love perfume!  I don't wear a lot of different perfumes and seldomly try new ones.  About 4 years ago I tried Elizabeth Arden's Provocative Woman and the guy I met at the time said that when I wore my 'usual' one, I did not smell right.  Some that I'd put on my favourites list would be Obssession, Opium, Knowing, L'Instant de Guerlain.  I think the perfume someone is wearing when we meet them is the smell we'd usually associate with them.  My 'usual' perfume for about 20 years now has been Clinique Aromatics.  But about 6 months ago I was in Edgars and tried on Bvlgari Omnia ... oh boy, its so sultry and delicious that I bought it for myself.  At the time is cost double what it does now.  Yesterday I got my 'rewards' from Clicks and their latest promotions ... and I'm sure you guessed it, the Omnia was on special.  So this morning, Jazz and I headed to Clicks to pick it up ... what a pleasure - besides being less 25% I got an extra R71.00 off - just my kind of pick me up after the ooopsies of the past week.

Hope you've had something delicious come your way ... ciao bella.

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28 - Friday at last

Well, I'm a wee bit on the sad side this evening.  After my fall yesterday, my camera got knocked off the chest of drawers some time last night and is not in working order.  I'm not sure what to do.  It is getting a little old and was due to a service, but I'm wondering what the cost to repair it will be, or it may be cheaper just to buy a new one.  New one costs anything from R6,000.00 to R20,000 ++++.  The replacement of my current one can be purchased for around R10,000.00.  Oh well, need to think this through - I am a little bummed about this and just after I got the remote shutter release as well :-(.  Sigh!!!! 

So, on to todays outfit.  Fridays I wear jeans to work.  So here the looks - Jeans from Kelso at Edgars, Tank top from Jay-Jays, Belt - Edgars, Cardi - Mr. Price, Shoes - Legit.  Earrings from Justine Cosmetics and necklace from Truworths.

Studded belt.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27 - Dang, einaar

So today was another insane day.  Yesterday i did not even take pictures as i wore my 'reliable' black trouser with the DH black and white striped t-shirt - only difference, I wore red bangles and red bead necklaces.

When G-man got home, we rushed off to The Glen so that I could have Missy passport photos redone, then he had his done.  We then went down to the optometrist and G-man chose his frame and Liam chose a new frame as he lost his glasses just before school finished in December.

We then did lunch shopping and came home and had dinner.

Today started off with a visit to Home Affairs to apply for new passports.  Oh boy, what a rigmarole - I forgot to take copies of their dad's ID, but then turned out that the scanned letter giving permission was not acceptable, it had to be faxed!

So, we applied for G-man's and mine, then their poor dad ended up staying up until about 3am his time trying to get his id and the letter faxed through.

I headed back there after work and yay - it's done.  Now we wait 6 - 8 weeks for them.  At least it's done and they should be here in time for their visit in the July school holidays.

The jersey made me feel close to Taryn the entire day as it smelt like her.  I'm not sure where it comes from.  The skirt is a Merien Hall from Edgars, the shoes are also from Edgars, the shirt is from Legit (I don't usually buy there) and the earrings are from Miladys and the belt from Meltz

With the lady dogs in the house (Jody on the left and Tequila on the right)
A close-up

After taking these photos and trying to get up the back stairs, between getting past and over the dogs and this time both the boys were bombarding me, I tripped and banged up my shin.  My camera fell over on the tripod, but I don't think it got hit too hard, but will have to go and check it out.  Shew, to be in such demand.  My shin however has a lovely big bruise on it now :-(.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

... a grey day

but so incredibly busy.  I started the day heading off to renew my driver's license and was pleased that I was in the office by 09:00.

It was another hectic day and we had the architects come round with plans for us to look at.  I guess we're getting somewhere, but boy, I'm not in a hurry to find out the building costs.

Todays outfit was a little chilly for the morning as it was grey and cool.  But, since I spent the rest of the day indoors, I survived.

The shirt I bought at Edgars, the skirt at one of the chinese stores, the pullover from Mr. Price, belt I think was also from Edgars and the shoes from ShoeCity.  Bracelet my daughter gave when she was visiting.

The 'bored' look

A better view of the frills on the front of the top.

A pose, especially for Shybiker ;-)

The bear - it's watching me!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24 - Maniac Monday

Today was truly a maniac Monday and that's no exaggeration.

From when I got into the office until I left, it was non-stop - go go go.

I dashed out of the office to an optometrist appointment for my drivers license screening, rushed into Clicks to fetch Courts med, only to find that their system was not finding my new details, dashed off to the Clicks closer to home, grabbed my haircolour and got the little ladies script, then dashed home and threw a hissy fit because my son had done exactly what I'd told him 'not' to do.  Tried without much success to fit down everyone's throats, took my outfit photos, checked out my other son's 'stop motion' photos, had a quick cut of coffee, sat on the couch for 15 minutes, then dashed off to class.

Walked back in the door about 2 hours later and sat straight down at the table and proceeded to help finish off the project that had me all bitter and twisted earlier.

So, how was your day?  lol ... I'm now sitting here blogging and 'chillin'.

Todays look :

Cropped pants - Truworths, top with crochet design - Meltz, Jacket - Finnigans at Truworths, heels - Plum, earrings - Justine Cosmetics.
Image 245

January 21 - Fab Friday & January 22 - Saturday

I'm playing a little catch up - the weekend was real busy and I am only now downloading Friday's outfit. 

I'm thrilled to say that on Saturday I got a remote shutter release for my Nikon, but I have not taken my outfit photos with it as yet.  I did play around with it yesterday while getting made up for the day and I must admit, it was fun. 

Have you noticed that I wore my hair up the whole week?  I have noticed that I do that when I'm due for a cut ... guess what I need to book, a haircut and as usual I'm longing for a change but so unsure what I should do.  I like the ease of longer hair, busy bad days I can 'clip 'n go' as opposed to having to style it and let me say, I have hair that stands out like thatch is not styled ;-)

But, back to the business at hand ... the outfits

Friday saw me in my culottes from Truworths and a yellow t-shirt from Fashion Express, cardigan from Truworths and the sandals from a factory store down in Durban and am I ever sorry I did not buy two pairs of these, they are gorgeous sandals and all the ladies in my office are wild about them.  My necklace was one of my Christmas gifts from G-man and he bought it at Spillhaus.

(Really bad quality pic)

Saturday saw us heading out to the northern suburbs to get to the camera shop.  What an awesome businessman who runs the place.  Really helpful.  G-man had also said that there were some antique stores in the same street, so anticipating the possibility of walking, I wore my sneakers (we commonly refer to them as 'takkies' in South Africa).

My fave jeans from Kelso at Edgars, t-shirt by OBR at Truworths and my Adidas sneakers.  But more shockingly, I'm wearing my glasses, something I very seldomly allow myself to be photographed in. 

We did not find anything of interest in the antique store, but I did find second hand clothing store that I'm dying to revisit.  But, I would need lots more time than I had on Saturday.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20th - The 50's skirt returns

Well, boohoo at the icky photos again ... as soon as I've posted this entry, I am hitting 'bid or buy' (SA's version of eBay) and looking for a remote for my big boy. 

But back to the business at hand ... I was just longing to wear this skirt again and in a hurry as I fell asleep on the couch after dinner out with my sisters and watching Two and a half men, and did not prepare my outfit, so this is what my challenged mind threw together ... besides that I'm at the point where I honestly don't quite know what I really have and what I do know and can see, although washed, is not ironed.

Skirt from The Hub
Shirt from Mr. Price
Shoes from Foschini
... ... ...
and the ooopsie for your viewing pleasure.

Hope your Thursday was just fantastic ... mine was not shabby at all.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 18 & 19 - Catching up

 A quick post - rushing off to dinner with my sister

Trousers - Merien Hall at Edgars
T-shirt - Pick 'n Pay
Jersey - Sasha
Shoes - Truworths
Necklace - Contempo
Earrings -
Trousers - Truworths
Shirt - Woolworths
Waistcoat - Truworths
Shoes - ShoeCity
Earrings - Justine Cosmetics
Shirt and waistcoat previously worn with jeans sometime last year ;-)

Hope y'all are having a stunningly stylish year so far.

January 17 - My new car

So I did not take an outfit photo as such, there was way too much excitement at our house around my new little car.

I decided to give the dress previously worn early December another try.  This time, I went for my black jacket, red belt and sexy red-dark brown killer heels.  I think it almost is redeemed.  Still have another idea, but must say, it looked way better, but still not exactly how I'd pictured it at the time of purchase in my mind.
However, it the outfit was totally overshadowed by the new car.

It's a Ford Figo and I'm besotted - it's brand spanking new ... I'm so thrilled and a big thanks to my g-man for helping it become a reality.

A side by side view - what do you think =
Stay or go?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 15 - Weekend

At least it did not rain as was predicted, so we got out a little.

I started the day by taking Courteney for a much needed haircut and returned home to collect Graema and Jarod and we headed off to Queen Street, Kensington  featuring antique shops, restaurants, coffee shops.  We are in search of a display cabinet for Graeme's motorbike collection.  We did not find a cabine that asked to be taken home, but there were some intereting items and one store had the most gorgeous Persian rug and I loved their curtaining and I saw beautiful evening gown in the one store which if I knew had the cash for, would have indulged in trying it on.  I chose not to try it one, because if it had fitted me perfectly I would have been miserable for the rest of the weekend.

We meandered up the road and went to the German pub for lunch.  I did not take pictures of the schnitzels as I wanted to, because they fill the whole plate, just as they served it in the local pub in Germany.

My outfit :

I tried to get a decent picture of the sleeve of this top = it's so pretty and feminine but am really challenged by my baby camera some days.  I think it's time to get a remote release for my big baby.
I don't know what brand the shirt if off hand but my sister gave it to me about 4 years ago.

Jeans - Kelso
Sandals - ShoeCity

The 'radlers' were perfect and the schnitzles divine.

Hope you're having a fabulous weekend.

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 12, 13 and 14

January 12th

January 12

Grey pants - Fashion Express
Blue frilled top - Essence at Truworths
Shoes - ShoeCity

January 13th
January 13 - I don't like this look

 Skirt and top - Truworths
Jacket - Mr Price (it seemed okay in person, but does not look good in the photos - maybe it's the pose) however, I'm not sure I'll wear the jacket again.
What's your thoughts/suggestions?
Shoes - Edgars

January 14 - Friday

Jeans - Kelso at Edgars
Cami - Studio W at Woolworths
Jacket - Finnigans at Truworths (awesome bargain purchased in December)
Sandals - ShoeCity

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 11th - Blogger/Web inspired Look

The inspiration for today's outfit

My version

I'm not sure where I found this, but it's a picture I've saved in my 'inspiration' folder and it inspired the look for the day.

My skirt is shorter, but it took three months of looking for it.  I finally found it on Sunday at The Hub when Taryn and I went shopping and for lunch.  The T-shirt is by DH and was bought at Truworths around November last year.

My shoes were a Christmas gift from My Schatz and were bought at Contempo.  I'd seen them on a visit to Greenstone Mall last year when I'd bought a few items of holiday wear and was really surprised when I opened them on Christmas morning.  Must give My Schatz credit, he does a great job when he buys me clothes ... besides other things ;-)

I felt very much a 50's housewife ... think Mad Men.
 What do you think of this look on me? 

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10th - back to work

It's Monday again and almost feels as though the work year has only started, guess in all honesty it only has.  The team were back, although out to meetings and then we had no power for 3 hours - just crazy and made the day ueber boring.

It's still grey here and lots of flooding. 

Todays look - sales inspired ... lol

Black trousers -  Finnigans at Truworths
Lilac top - Truworths - I just love it, it's so feminine ... a new addition to my wardrobe
Shoes - Legit (the sassy lacy ones)
Bracelet - Charlotte Russ
Necklace and earrings - Edgars

This afternoon we rushed off to the Glen to buy school shoes and get Jarod's tv sorted out.  I'm happy it's now done and he's happy he has it.  G-man needs to mount the wall bracket and then it's totally sorted.  I'm happy he managed to save the money for it, even though we had to take his bank card and cash away from him.  Liam was even offering him money today - I think he really wanted his brother to get his tv.

I'm so tired!  Back at work and not having much to do really exhausted me ... I'm off to shower and find something to wear to work tomorrow.

Hope y'all are having a super 'stylish' day ... ciao

January 7 & 8th looks

It's been a busy few days and I started a post last night, which I thought had saved as a draft, however, this morning I discovered it had not.  But, at least the photos aren't lost :-).

The info is hazy at this point, but here are the looks

Friday 7th January
 Kelso jeans from Edgars
T-shirt from Fashion Express
Sandals - Legit - a whopping R30 ... lol

Gorgeous accessories given to me by my dd : -)   Bracelet from Chrlotte Russ, Earrings from Charming Charlie
 Saturday 8th January - Morning outfit
 Same jeans - Kelso
T-shirt - Woolworths
Necklace - Edgars?
Shoes - Legit
Cuff - Truworths
Earrings - by Miz T

Another pair of fierce shoes ... I so wish they'd bring back half sizes here ... it's either a 6 or a 7 and I'm a 6 and a half ... so often the shoes look a little big ... boohoo.  But these shoes are super sassy.

Lunch for a family friends 60th birthday at Thaba Ya Batswana
 Cropped pants  - Truworths
Top -
Sandals - Rage
Necklace and earrings - Truworths

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6th - Thursday already ... 3 posts today, overload

I hope the three posts will make up for the no 'show' photo today.

We were woken at 04:40 by a call from our neighbour saying there was a suspicious person standing outside our gate under the tree. Graeme call the armed response and once they'd been and established that he was known in the area and one of the many dustbin divers, we attempted to go back to bed. I laid down for a while but just could not get back to sleep.

I was up and about by about 05:45 and started puttering around and ended up in Jarod's room and started doing some sorting.

Well, the sorting in his room progressed to both Liam's and Courteneys. Liam's bookshelf and drawers in his wardrobe need to be finished, but there are about 8 black dustbin bags being hauled out the house ... victory! Hallelujah!!!! At last, it's done and althought it's 2011 and not 2010, we're still right at the start of the year, so I'm chuffed they'll start the school year with a clean slate.

In the middle of the day we did go off to do some shopping on uniforms and stationery and Taryn did some shopping too.  Things here are much cheaper she says, so she wanted to take advantage of that.  I'm sure she'll do lots more shopping still.

I did not do too much dressing up ... jeans from yesterday and a floral top .. .quick and easy look for a busy day.

Catch y'all real soon ... stay stylish

January 5th - Taryn's birthday

My daughter Taryn who is visiting from the states turned 20 today.  Time sure does pass quickly.  We had my sisters and Mom over for dinner and her best friend and her mom.  I cooked lasagne and if I may be so bold as to say, my lasagne is darn good and I did not disappoint.

My outfit for our little shopping outing

Jeans - Kelso at Edgars
T-shirt - I think Edgars
Shoes - Kelso at Edgars
Pink studs - Miladys

I then proceeded to splatter tomato sauce on my t-shirt, so for our entertaining, I just changed my t-shirt to my black and white striped Daniel Hechter t-shirt.

Drank some wine, ate some lasagne, had a little pudding and ran myself silly.  It's really hard work entertaining ... but Tanna enjoyed herself so that made it totally worth it.

January 4th - Almost stay-cation time again

Since my dd Taryn did get to come home for a few days, I decided to take Wednesday to Friday off as well.  If we'd known earlier that she would be coming home, I'd have changed my vacation days, but we had booked the accommodation down on the coast, so it was not possible.  But my boss is a honey and said no problem to me taking another 3 days off to spend with her. 

I bought this dress last year and this is the second time I'm wearing it.  It's really low in front, so I have to wear a cami with it.  It's a light denim so it's totally bearable on a warm day.  Our weather is still grey here, boohoo.

Dress - Ackermans
Cami - Woolworths
Shoes - Truworths
Cuff - Truworths
Necklace - Edgars
Earrings - gifted by my sister