Sunday, November 24, 2013

Working furiously at this

     I've been scarce and hardly visited or commented on blogs, nor have I photographed or posted updates much less painted my toe nails, but thought I'd share with y'all what's going on. 
     Besides going to gym, batting to get my housekeeper to work according to my Flylady schedule, school year ending, text books and stationery for 2014 needing to be purchased, I finally bit the bullet and decided to go with my own hosted blog.
     So without further ado ... please would grab your coffee and click the image below to visit my overhauled blog ... there is still some debris around from the move, so mind your step for the next few days ... if you a follower via bloglovin, please would you click the icon at the bottom of the new blog to follow, I managed to create two profiles and can't get them to merge and then managed to lose all my followers too ... hope to see you there, Wendy.



Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - I love hearing others feelings and appreciate your time. Please be honest - BUT kind.

Have a fabulous day now and I'll be coming round to visit you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, Wendy