Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday stuff

Despite winter temperatures this past week and our first Spring rains (sing Hallelujah, say it), its turned out to be a beautiful day today ... hard to believe that yesterday I wore a coat when we went out and that we had the gas heater on in the lounge in the evening.

Schatz and I went to buy a plant for the pot that stands in the corner of the garden.  We decided on a tree.  We also bought some seedlings, their happy little faces and pretty colours are irresistible.  Schatz has spent this morning planting the loot.

I've done laundry, tidied the kitchen, hung out the laundry, carried bags of potting soil, cooked breakfast, played with kitties, given Jodi a bit of a brushing (oh boy, she needs days of brushing to get rid of her Winter coat) and inbetween checked mails etc.
I'm looking forward to lots of new items on the blog next week.
Hope your weekend is fabulous and your weather superb. 


  1. I love love love that pot! I've tried to start a garden. Much to the poor plants dismay. Suzie Homemaker I am not hahaha. The only thing I could grow was morning glories and The Hubs said the only reason those grew was because they're actually weed. *hangshead*

  2. Planting is hard work isn't it?!

  3. Happy weekend...doing happy things;-)

  4. Giant pot! Love it. This weekend has been busy for us, too, but the weather has been perfect, making me more productive.

    Looking forward to your new stuff, too :)


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - I love hearing others feelings and appreciate your time. Please be honest - BUT kind.

Have a fabulous day now and I'll be coming round to visit you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, Wendy