Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hi, I'm Wendy and I'm a/an .... aholic?

So I'm paging through my August 2010 Fair Lady - it's already time for September, but since I haven't seen it and I have about 4 mags on my desk, I thought I'd best get through it, and the article about 'sexaholic' on page 64 glares out at me. 

Hmmmm ... According to SA Law, sex addiction doesn't exist.  I personally have felt that it's been just so easy to blame all the 'sexcapades' that famous people have been caught getting up to on an 'addiction', but let me say I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, it's just suddenly in the limelight and almost feels as though they're saying, ooops, got caught - need something or someone to blame so there, I'm an addict. 

Some part of me does question whether it is an addiction or simply that they believe they are entitled to behave this way, that they are so above the rest of humanities morals, yet when caught with their hand in the cookie jar, they profess to having an addiction. 

Is it not possibly just a case of being bored?  Or feeling they achieved all they can in their chosen field, so they need some new excitement.  Makes me think of the cleptomaniacs, often being rich ladies caught stealing cheap make-up, simply because they know they can afford one in each colour, but the thrill of getting away with stealing it drives them?

I'm a little puzzled by all this ... but I'm human, I don't have the answers, yet can't help wondering at what point the psychologists are going to say 'enough' excuses.  Maybe a few more Dr. Phils are needed on the planet and more people need to be reminded to grow up and take responsibility for their actions, instead of looking for the easy way out.  Before you attempt to fit down my throat though, it's my opinion and I AM NOT SAYING IT DOES NOT EXIST, IT JUST SEEMS TO BE THE COP OUT EXCUSE OF CHOICE AT THIS TIME.

The article is really interesting and worth the time to read, and of course, there are lots of avenues to venture down in this discussion, and questions and comments that do leave you wondering ... a big one for me 'Oppositon also comes from citizens who believe that including sex addiction under law could let rapists off easy, or influence a divorce settlement when one partner has been unfaithful.  But the law should not excuse rapists because they're addicted to sex, just as an alcholic is not excused from killing someone while driving drunk, says Whitfield.  I do worry about this because in our country, you'll get a stiffer sentence for committing a white collar crime than rape.  I don't understand how it works, or how it's justified, but this is what we've seen on many occassions here.

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Have a fabulous day now and I'll be coming round to visit you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, Wendy