Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Friday "to do: list (for the weekend)

I tend to get around to Friday and just slack off and only seem to feel motivated to get lots done by Sunday afternoon, and then I complain bitterly about wasted time and get all irritated with myself because I end up spending a whole chunk of Sunday doing laundry.

This week, I decided to try and avoid this hamster wheel I've created all on my own.

My list yesterday read as follows :

  1. Go to PO and see if I can pay my car licence there. Accomplished with a telelphone call, but need to go to a PO in Ekurhuleni

  2. Return The Kite runner to Norma  Accomplished without leaving the house as she came round last night to show me her cute new car

  3. Fathers day e-card for Keenan

  4. Fathers day gift for Graeme Done as well as cards bought

  5. Plug for heater

  6. Blinds - upstair pc area/kitchen

  7. Tidy handbag

  8. Finish sewing bathroom curtain

  9. Hem beige pants

  10. Hem black pants

  11. Take receipts to Pick 'n Pay (The P'nP down the road donates a percentage to the school of your choice.  They have the local schools listed with little pigeon hole type things that you place your receipts in - such an awesome initiative)

  12. Return mail to PO (a woman who rented from the previous owners still has tons of mail coming here)

  13. Buy cat food
I have already done three loads of laundry since last and tidied out a bit of my wardrobe.  It is quite packed and I needed to remove of the summer things I won't wear for the next 3 months.  Watered the petunia, fed the birdies who decended on the feeder with a sense of urgency. 

At least I feel ahead of my own game for a change.

Now, I'm going to get my hiney out this chair and go hang the last load of laundry and maybe haul out the sewing machine and finish the bathroom curtain for the boys bathroom.

At least it's not freezing cold today ... and the sun is shining.

1 comment:

  1. Now I know what's wrong with my life! No lists! Great idea


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - I love hearing others feelings and appreciate your time. Please be honest - BUT kind.

Have a fabulous day now and I'll be coming round to visit you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, Wendy