Friday, July 3, 2009

Worth a visit

There are a good few here that I sure miss ... in particular No. 66 and 46 'cause it does not usually snow down here in our part of Africa and its hard to find Reese' peanut butter cups in the stores, they're usually in speciality stores and there are none near my house :-(
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We have a busy weekend planned - a friend is getting married tomrorow afternoon and G-man and I are booked to do the 'Frost Bite Run' on Sunday morning. It's quite insane!! It's been cold and leaving the house at 04:30 is going to be a challenge ... but we have fun on these rides, so I know it's usually worth the pain. It's the middle of winter and we're planning on meeting the other riders for departure time of 05:00 to ride out to the Drakensberg for breakfast. It should surely be fun and I'll be sure to add some pictures!
In other news, all is going okay. all papers are signed for the house, it's really just a waiting game now to hear when the documents are registered and then we can arrange occupation date. I'm really excited, but am way behind on the packing! Of course, there won't be any packing done this weekend! But next week I need to get my touchie in gear and get going on it as there is LOTS to do!!!
Hope your weekend is filled with lots of fun and laughter!
'Til next time, ciao

1 comment:

  1. Hey, congrats on your house!!

    Hope the Frostbite Run went well..geez..that sounds kind of painful!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - I love hearing others feelings and appreciate your time. Please be honest - BUT kind.

Have a fabulous day now and I'll be coming round to visit you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, Wendy