Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Positive Pledge

The Positive Pledge
I pledge to be a positive person and positive influence on my family, friends, co-workers and community.

I promise to be positively contagious and share more smiles, laughter, encouragement and joy with those around me.

I vow to stay positive in the face of negativity.

When I am surrounded by pessimism I will choose optimism.

When I feel fear I will choose faith.

When I want to hate I will choose love.

When I want to be bitter I will choose to get better.

When I experience a challenge I will look for opportunity to learn and grow.

When faced with adversity I will find strength.

When I experience a set-back I will be resilient.

When I meet failure I will fail forward towards future success.

With vision, hope, and faith, I will never give up and will always move forward towards my destiny.

I believe my best days are ahead of me, not behind me.

I believe I'm here for a reason and my purpose is greater than my challenges.

I believe that being positive not only makes me better, it makes everyone around me better.

So today and every day I will be positive and strive to make a positive impact on the world.

Are you a positive person?  When lemons come hurtling at you, how do you deal with it?  It's guaranteed, no matter who you are, your race, your social standing, you're going to have bad days.  But I do believe that it's how we deal with it.  Sure, you're entitled to take a few days to mope about and bemoan your situation, but exactly how long are you going to spend feeling sorry for yourself.

I asked a collegue if they felt I was a positive person and the answer came back as yes ... and I believed it would be the answer because I truly try hard to keep 'the sunny side up' regardless.  Its often not easy to be positive, but we keep on keeping on trying.

So, will you take the pledge with me?


  1. I would say that I am a positive person 90% of the time. But sometimes things can become too much and then life gets me down....but that is not too often.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - I love hearing others feelings and appreciate your time. Please be honest - BUT kind.

Have a fabulous day now and I'll be coming round to visit you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, Wendy