Monday, January 24, 2011

January 21 - Fab Friday & January 22 - Saturday

I'm playing a little catch up - the weekend was real busy and I am only now downloading Friday's outfit. 

I'm thrilled to say that on Saturday I got a remote shutter release for my Nikon, but I have not taken my outfit photos with it as yet.  I did play around with it yesterday while getting made up for the day and I must admit, it was fun. 

Have you noticed that I wore my hair up the whole week?  I have noticed that I do that when I'm due for a cut ... guess what I need to book, a haircut and as usual I'm longing for a change but so unsure what I should do.  I like the ease of longer hair, busy bad days I can 'clip 'n go' as opposed to having to style it and let me say, I have hair that stands out like thatch is not styled ;-)

But, back to the business at hand ... the outfits

Friday saw me in my culottes from Truworths and a yellow t-shirt from Fashion Express, cardigan from Truworths and the sandals from a factory store down in Durban and am I ever sorry I did not buy two pairs of these, they are gorgeous sandals and all the ladies in my office are wild about them.  My necklace was one of my Christmas gifts from G-man and he bought it at Spillhaus.

(Really bad quality pic)

Saturday saw us heading out to the northern suburbs to get to the camera shop.  What an awesome businessman who runs the place.  Really helpful.  G-man had also said that there were some antique stores in the same street, so anticipating the possibility of walking, I wore my sneakers (we commonly refer to them as 'takkies' in South Africa).

My fave jeans from Kelso at Edgars, t-shirt by OBR at Truworths and my Adidas sneakers.  But more shockingly, I'm wearing my glasses, something I very seldomly allow myself to be photographed in. 

We did not find anything of interest in the antique store, but I did find second hand clothing store that I'm dying to revisit.  But, I would need lots more time than I had on Saturday.

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - I love hearing others feelings and appreciate your time. Please be honest - BUT kind.

Have a fabulous day now and I'll be coming round to visit you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, Wendy