Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23rd - a little bit wild

Oh no, I think there's a part of me that is way too conscientious to be completely wild, but this skirt is a little 'animal'.
 Looking a little worse for wear in the picture above and just a tad sombre, so I attempted to liven things up in the picture below ... how did I do?
 The lighting is perfect - just a pity I could not move a little further over.  Too much sunlight on me ... but what do you think of our self imposed prison bars?  It saddens me.
D-details :  Skirt from Woolworths (at least 2007), T-shirt - OBR, Cardigan - Truworths, Shoes - hmmmm I think Truworths as well.  Necklace and earrings also Truworths.

I am getting to the 'desperate' stage for a haircut but am putting it off and not entirely sure why.  I've pretty much made up my mind just to get the back neatened into one lenght for the time being and I need to get this done soon as I'm starting to sport a few split ends.  Not bad considering I last trimmed it in November.

Previous viewings :

The shoes



  1. I love this look on you! It's a little wild, but not over the top. Great outfit!

  2. You wild girl you! I love this look!

    I also tend to let the hair appointments slip until I get so desperate that I do something totally stupid:-)

  3. that's fabulous! i love the skirt.

    and i love the idea behind this blog. it's fantastic.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - I love hearing others feelings and appreciate your time. Please be honest - BUT kind.

Have a fabulous day now and I'll be coming round to visit you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, Wendy