Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Meet me on Monday


1. How many pillows do you sleep with?

Two - one is a continental pillow and the other a standard which I've had for about 14 years and I'm rather possessive about ... lol

2. Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in South Africa.3. Would you rather go to a party or host a party?

Go to a party, that way I don't have to worry about the set-up, clean-up and all that jazz.

4. How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?

5 - two black, one red, one champagne and one brown.  I'm not a big purse fan - or let me phrase it this way, I do love them, I just don't like packing and repacking because inverably I forget something important in one of the pouches in the previous bag.  I am after an organiser now to make it easier.

5. What is your favorite kind of seafood?

Prawns - great big Mocambique prawns.  Yummmmyyyyyy

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - I love hearing others feelings and appreciate your time. Please be honest - BUT kind.

Have a fabulous day now and I'll be coming round to visit you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, Wendy