Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10 Things to do today instead of shopping

It's rather difficult for some not to shop as the holiday season is upon and our American friends have celebrated Thanksgiving and then the Black Friday sales.

But I saw this and thought I'd share, in case you did not see it and like me, could do with avoiding the shops ...

10 Things to do Instead of Shopping on Black Friday

1. Catch up on your blog and reader:  Most likely you took a day or two off for travel or just binging with your family.  Take this day to update your blog, check in with your readers, or even just catch up on your own reader to see what you missed.

2. Cook/Bake at Home:  The idea of creating more food post-thanksgiving might sound ludicrous, but this is actually the perfect day to be creative in the kitchen.  Make something amazing with leftovers or finally try out the cookie recipe you found on that food blog.

3. Volunteer:  Local organizations need a lot of help during this time of year.  Find a soup kitchen, an animal shelter, or maybe a retirement home where you can donate your time.

4. Check out a local sight or landmark: If your neighborhood is anything like New York City, it gets all dressed up for the holidays.  Take some time to appreciate the sparkle and get in the spirit!

5. Have a Movie Day:  Few things are better than snuggling up on the couch and catching a few classics.  It’s hard to go wrong with A Charlie Brown Christmas.

6. Exercise: Take your pets out for a long walk, a stroll around a local park, or a quick jog to burn all those calories.

7. Read: Catch up on all your December (November or as far back as June issues) or finally read that novel you’ve been meaning to pick up.  Give your eyes a break from the screen!

8. Make your Holiday Shopping List: Think about all the stuff you’ll buy AFTER the Black Friday (Christmas) madness.

9. DIY Project: Check some blog favorites like Honestly WTF or iSpyDiY for some crafty inspiration.

10. Do absolutely nothing and enjoy it, you deserve the day off!

bidorbuy South Africa - Bid, Buy or Sell cameras, computers, diamonds, coins, cars & more on auction at cheap prices

Sunday, November 27, 2011

For lifelong beauty ..

I received the Parisian Chic book by Ines de la Fressange and have been so enjoying it.  Today, flipping through while waiting for part of my mini weekly facial to dry, I found the following on page 123 under  Section 3. Timeless Beauty.
 For lifelong beauty :
À      Be well-groomed
À      Smell nice
À      Look after your teeth.  Have them professionally cleaned every six months
À      Smile
À      Be indulgent
À      Be nonchalant and forget your age
À      Be cooler and more easy going
À      Be less selfish
À      Be passionate about a man, a project, a house.  It’s an instant facelift.
À      Do only what suits you.  The perfect Zen attitude.
À      Accept that there will be bad days.  And make the most of the good days!

Then on the next page, to sum up simple pleasures :

MemoAn hour sleeping or making love is better than a Botox injection at the dermatologists
… (I like this)

It’s Simply Sassy – the kind of attitude I love.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Colourful Friday

 This look was not over thought.  I'm aware that for my 'shape' skinny jeans are not the best thing to wear ... but life's short and sometimes it's okay to break the rules. 

 Jeans : Woolworths
Tank : Pick 'n Pay
Blazer : Truworths
Shoes : Legit
Necklace : Mr Price
Cuff : Truworths
 We have a fairly busy weekend, or at least, the members of my family do.  The boys are at a party tonight (I'm about toh ead out to fetch them), tomorrow is my niece's sons first birthday get together, then Sunday in G-man's big day - The Annual Toy Run.  He's been working for months on it.  So we don't see much of him this weekend.  Right now, he's passed out on the couch exhausted from doing manual labour the entire day.  But he loves it!

I have some serious gardening planned this weekend, before and after the birthday party, so I do hope the little people are not expecting a chauffer service the entire weekend.

I have a bed that needs to be cleared and have compost mixed in and filled.  Then I have a tree fern to move and Princess Lilies/Alstromeria's to plant.  I haven't done much gardening in ages, but my garden needs some tender lovin'.

Well friends, til we meet again, have a stunning day and Keep it Simply Sassy.
bidorbuy South Africa - Bid, Buy or Sell cameras, computers, diamonds, coins, cars & more on auction at cheap prices

So divine Vintage ...

Vintage Ruby Pin

Vintage 1960s Kelly Handbag

 bidorbuy South Africa - Bid, Buy or Sell cameras, computers, diamonds, coins, cars & more on auction at cheap prices

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

To all those I love and care for in America, family, friends and acquaintances alike

The difference in outfits from one day to the next can be quite different.  I was going to say dramatic, but it did not sound right, neither did extreme, because I don't think they're quite that different (there's that word again).

 It was chilly in Jo'burg as the cardigan shows.  From 35+ (Celcius) last week to just over 20 this week.
Skirt : Mr Price
T-shirt : Woolworths
Cardigan :
Shoes : Edgars
Necklace :
I am quite wild about these shoes - they're about 5 years old now.

 My most favourite kitty in the world ... my shadow Lucky.
One of my favourite pairs of sandals.  I call them sexy, G-man calls them complex?
Skirt : Exact
Top : Truworths
Sandals : Truworths
Belt : Meltz
Bangles : Edgars

Skirt previously styled :

25 August 2011
For your viewing pleasure - sometimes, this is the
craziness that happens when I'm doing my photos for the day.

bidorbuy South Africa - Bid, Buy or Sell cameras, computers, diamonds, coins, cars & more on auction at cheap prices

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I got it ... at last

I am rather pleased, finally (although it’s was at the Post Office for a week!!) I collected the book I ordered Parisian Chic - A Style Guide by Ines de la Fressange (Paperback) yesterday.  I paged through it last night, looks really interesting and of course, has made my wish to revisit Paris more desperate than ever.  Her daughter is about as gorgeous as she is.  I want to share it with daughters. 

I read Day 51 in my Beautiful You, A daily guide to Radical Self-Acceptance by Rosie Moliary this morning.  It got me pondering, what do you consider beautiful?  How do you define beauty?

For me, I truly believe it’s what inside, but the world doesn’t see that at first glance.  When talking of beauty, I always tell this story.  When I was in Grade 7, we got a new teacher in our school.  Miss Vos was her name.  For some reason, I remember when I first laid eyes on her, I did not think of her as pretty.  She was our History teacher and our Softball coach. My friends and I would walk to her flat in the morning to collect her.  Her fiancé was a policeman.  She was fun and young and feisty.  By the end of Grade 7, she was to me the most beautiful woman on the planet.  Her inner beauty shone through.  She showed us her soul.  She laughed with us.  She shared with us.  She taught us.  She was beautiful. 

Have a Simply Sassy day now.

Monday, November 21, 2011

In the jungle

the mighty jungle, the lioness wears red some days.

I don't believe I've ever worn this skirt with a vibrant colour.  I think I've almost always teamed it with brown, black or beige/cream.
This morning I wanted to wear my high pointed court red shoes, but the heel was off, so I dug these out.  I think they're more wintery with the suede look, but they did okay overall.
 This skirt is such a twirl and whirl skirt.  Think I need a smooth floor to try it out on again, just to be sure.
Skirt : Woolworths (2008)
Shirt : Kelso Career @ Edgars
Shoes : Edgars
Bangles : Edgars
Ring : Truworths
Earrings : American Swiss
This weeks colour : Pouf Daddy by Essie.  It is so vibrant and sassy.  I briefly contemplated one of the pastel spring shades when I was in the store last week, but this shade was screaming out my name.

I looked at my diary today and it truly dawned on me how close we are to what I consider the end of the year.  I need to get my hiney well and truly in gear and get the Americana's shopping done.  Got to sort out the kids travel clothes as well.  Can't believe it's almost time for them to head off again.  An entire month without them ... bliss for a while, then the heartache and missing starts :-(.

Well, time to head on out and get my beauty sleep.

'Til next time ... Keep it Simply Sassy

bidorbuy South Africa - Bid, Buy or Sell cameras, computers, diamonds, coins, cars & more on auction at cheap prices

Sunday, November 20, 2011

How do you 'scent' yourself

My Rubybox arrived yesterday and along with it, a free copy of the October issue of Glamour.  As I was paging through it, there was an article named Wings of Desire ... and is has this sub heading 

How to apply fragrance, the haute couture way

This method works beautifully, but never spray perfume direction onto fabric.

Step 1 : Choose a room that's private and not too large, like your bedroom
Step 2 : Spray the room about 40 times (adapt according to the size of the space)
Step 3 : Hang your clothes in the room for 8 to 12 hours
Step 4 : Step out ready to make the world a sweeter place for all you encounter.

Hmmm, wonderful idea, but seriously, considering the cost of the perfume, would you spray that much?  I spray a couple of puffs of my perfume into the air and walk through it.  I read somewhere years ago that layers it over you, and then you smell divine all day. 

I do about throw hissy fits when I see women spray perfume onto their pulse and then grind their wrists together.  That completely destroys the fragrance. 

What's your take on spraying perfume and what do you think of this little bit of advise?

Black 'n white

Does everyone go through a stage in their life when all they wear is black and white?  or was it only me?  Somehow, I don't think so.  But, for a very long time my wardrobe consisted of 99% of my clothing being black and white. I was young, had just started working, but in fact my addiction started in high school.  I had bought a cerise pink dress for my sisters friends wedding and one day, decided to wear it to work.  A much older gentleman in the office commented for days on end about how lovely I looked, how severe the black and white was and on and on he went.  He was sweet, however, it did not convince me to give up the black and white though, but now, 20+ years later, I do so enjoy wearing clothing with pretty colours.

 However, when you're in a rush, not sure what your mood is, black 'n white always looks right.
 Skirt, Shirt and waistcoat : Truworths
Shoes : Legit
Necklace : Miladys
Bracelet : Charlotte Russe
This outfit work Thursday 16 Novemeber.

We had glorious rain yesterday at last and today, everything looks fresh and pretty.  I so wish it were possible to capture the smell of rain and use it as an air freshner.

I'm still battling to get the hosting of my blog sorted out, but, I'm closer, at least I'm more clear on a few points. 

It's Sunday - it's pretty, I'm doing my girl things.  Hope your weekend has been fabulous and that your day is absolutely stunning.

Til we meet again
Keep it Simple, Keep it Sassy

Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm so exited ...

My second favourite perfume (my favourite being Aromatics by Clinique) is available at Clicks on special for R338.00 … guess where I’m heading after work this afternoon!

Odds 'n sods on a Friday

Kamers vol geskenke (Room full of gifts).  I'm excited by the prospect of visiting this event and would love to return to Irene Village Market I really want to go back and scout some Christmas goodies for the Americans and The Bryanston Organic Market.

Ran across this and I do so like it.  Would love it in a pantry or the garage or a potting shed.

I am not perfect, but I am perfect enough to love.

Am contemplating sewing myself a dress, partly to see if I could still make something 'wearable' and I'm also toying with idea of making myself a tote or two.  With summer time here, maybe just what a need.

G-man bought some very ripe bananas and the little persons have been whispering 'banana bread' .. some cupcakes on the side would go down well.

I do believe I need this

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pet Peeves

Do you have pet peeves?  I have … and lots of them.  I think I could write a full page of them.

But, top 10 of my list “at least for today” would be these

1.       When medication comes in splinter strips, and there are say 10 strips in the box, and a person takes from a different strip each time they need the medication!  Aaarrrg.  Worse than a man leaving the seat up.
2.       Not putting a new roll of toilet paper on the holder when you use the last piece.  It’s almost guaranteed that should there be no paper, the person on the pot will be dropping Lincolns.
3.       Staying in the bathroom, when a person pushes the tooth paste tube in the middle.  How can it not make logical sense to push from the bottom?
4.       When making tea or coffee and people don’t wipe up the little bits of stray sugar and coffee that always seem to escape.
5.       Worse though, sugar on the floor.  Oh boy, the crunch sound.  Whenever I do the grocery shopping for work, I seem to leave Makro with sugar under my shoes.
6.       Bread crumbs in the margarine dish.
7.       Coffee in the sugar pot.
8.       Margarine in the jam jar.
9.       Not telling me when the last of something is used … like eggs, cheese, peanut butter.

So, wanna share yours … I’d love to read them.

Keep it Simple, Keep it Sassy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Housekeeping ...

if you're  a regular reader, you'd have noticed the reference at the bottom of my posts for a few weeks to Keep it Simple, Keep it Sassy, the reason for that, is that my registered domain name is simplysassy.co.za.  I've decided to host my blog on my site (I am momentarily dropping the request because it's just 'redirecting' to nothing and until I get it sorted out will continue here) as I felt it was wasting the domain as I don't have much up on my site and was simply not getting around to doing what I wanted to on it.  So, I'm changing again, a little, (sorry Ally).

My blog name is changing in any case to Simply Sassy, but the iamapear.blogspot.com should still bring you here.

Hope you don't go disappearing on me now.

Wendy a.k.a. Sassy a.k.a. Mom a.k.a. Wendy a.k.a. Sassy

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ebony and Ivory

live together in perfect harmony ... (thanks Michael and Paul)

So todays outfit was quick and simple, ebony and ivory.

I picked up the t-shirt a week or so ago and loved the lace bits on it.  There is lace everywhere on everything.  One of the fun things about our seasons following on to the northern hemispheres is that you have a bit of a head ups if keeping an eye on the trends.

T-shirt : Legit
Trousers : Finnigans @ Truworths
Shoes : Jet
Necklace : Miladys
Bracelet : Charlotte Russe

Work was insanely busy today.  From just after I walked in, it did not stop.  Looks like this may be the pace for the next while.

BTW - I think the little bow is rather unnecessary - what's your thoughts?

Til we meet again, keep it Simply Sassy.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

22 Sparkly Ways to Shine your Inner Bling by Christine Kane

Sometimes you want lots o’ bling. Sometimes a little bit goes a long way.

You never need bling, though.

Trust me on this.

I’ve performed over 1500 shows in my career. And I’ve learned that your shine has very little to do with what’s on the outside and everything to do with what’s on the inside.

No matter what they say on What Not to Wear, authentic bling comes from deep within. It comes from a life of purpose, happiness, peace, action, and stillness.

Here are 22 ways to get that shine, sparkle, and bling from the inside out:

1 – Start everything with intention
Inner bling comes from knowing why you do what you do and who you want to be. Intention is a simple way of getting centered before you begin any activity or show up for any event or write any email or blog. Intention sets your energy. Your energy creates your outcomes.
{I think it would be good to concentrate a little more on my intention}

2 – Know your motivations
Why do you do what you do? What’s motivating you?
When you know your motivations, you get clear on how to clean up your core. For instance, early in my music career, I realized that I often acted out of desperation. (Fear of not getting/being enough.) When I saw this, I began to shift away from these choices. My actions got “cleaner.” And the results were more powerful. Sometimes I couldn’t shift. I was stuck. But it helped to recognize the motivation and be kind to myself once I realized that I wanted to come from a clearer place.
{Most often, I act out of desperation, get the day done, earn the cash, sort out the kids and hope for the best.  But there must be more to it, part is that I want to prove I can do it, I can't fail, I have to be mom irrespective and I need the money to put food in their mouths.}

3 – Forgive yourself your fears
We all have them. We’ve all gone through them. Be kind to yourself about your fears. Then, take action anyway.

4 – Eat more greens
Physical health is the best bling of all. Take time to learn how to create healthy meals of mostly vegetables and fruits. Eliminate processed foods as much as possible.
{I eat the greens, I love the greens - but I guess more wouldn't hurt}                                                                                                                                                                                 
5 – Make a “Here’s What I Love” list
Fun is imperative for shiny bling. The problem is that we often don’t know what we love to do. It’s typical to think of the usual suspects: going to the movies, getting a pedicure, or going to the beach. But what do you love? Is it ping-pong, NASCAR, gardening? Make your own list so you can always refer to it and add to it.
{I'm sure, that with some exploring, I'd find something I've never done before that I'd love - I think it may just be what I need right now.  Something to ignite my fire, interest, passion}

6 – Do at least 1 item on your “Here’s what I love” list each week.

7 – Take risks
Taking risks gets easier once you take them. Too many people make risk-taking an event. They walk across burning coals, or bungee jump. For me, the biggest risks – the ones that teach me the most – are the quiet daily risks I take. From writing songs, to enrolling in an on-line course, to trying a new blog idea. These risks build that muscle inside of me slowly.

Walking across hot coals is fine. But it’s a lot like deciding to get in shape, and then lifting 100 pounds all at once. It’s the constant practice of something that teaches you how to do it and how to be bling-y all over.

8 – Laugh more
The more you laugh, the more bling you get. Make time for friends who make you laugh.
{I love laughing ... at work I think most people hear me at least once a day ... }

9 – Get a dog
Or a cat. Pets teach you how to be in your heart space. They teach unconditional love. I found my dog just after I committed to healing depression once and for all. She has been one of my greatest healers.
{We have dogs, but I am owned by a big ginger kitty - he's so special the little grumpy boy that he is}

10 – Sleep when you’re tired
This might seem like a no-brainer. But I’ve worked with hundreds of people at my retreats and in my e-Seminars on this. So many of them will keep going and going, trying to function when they’re exhausted. They usually end up eating junk food or watching hours of television, rather than giving their body what it really needs – rest.

11 – Get moving
Regular work-outs are one of the best ways to get bling.
According to one study, when you do a 30-minute cardio work-out: “2 – 3 pounds are lost from sweat, 70% of muscle fibers are working (up from 5 – 50% at rest); increased blood flow to brain heightens alertness; endorphin rush reduces anxiety and boosts moods.” Lifting weights keeps me in an elevated and peaceful mood all day.
{I've been doing morning exercises, but need to get out and get the blood pumping, cardio is sorely lacking}

12 – Say no unless it’s an absolute and pure YES
I get many emails from people who have been to one of my retreats or participated in the e-Seminar. They thank me for giving them permission to begin saying no to everything that’s not an absolute yes in their schedule or in their environment. I learned it from Cheryl Richardson. I get to pass it on now that I’ve been practicing for many years.

13 - Create a Vision Board
{Mine needs some refreshment - do you have one?  Amazing to look back and see what you've accomplished}

14 – Break up with your television
Or at least, just turn off the cable. TV is an energy suck. It will dull your bling. 
{I think I'll send it the divorce papers today}

15 – Clean up your physical space
{Working hard on decluttering - it's clean, but lots of clutter blockages}

16 – Stand naked in front of the mirror every morning and say, “Damn, I love myself!”
Hey. Don’t knock it til you try it.
{This is a stretch for 99% of the people I know - myself included - some days I look at myself dressed and say "Not too bad ol' girl" but naked ... hmmmm}

17 – Watch your Language {Follow the link and read this ... I honestly try to practise this}

18 – Revel in your imperfections
I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that my friend Joy hangs up on me almost every single time she calls me. She simply can’t do technology. She’s a disaster on the computer. And last week, she snipped the chord to her iPod headphones with her gardening shears. The best thing, though, is to hear her laugh at herself each time some new mini-disaster happens. She revels in her own imperfections. And she is definitely bling-y.

We all have our areas of imperfections. Forgive yourself, and keep on doing it. Anything worth doing is worth doing. You’ll get the hang of it.

19 – Be totally present to the one you’re with
Your attention is gold sparkly rhinestone bling. Your attention is incredibly powerful. It is a gift to you and to anyone who spends time with you. Be present – fully present – to anyone you spend your time with.
{I have been battling with being present for ages, seems my mind is running in a 101 directions all the times with things to do}

20 – Read for fun
When you’ve got a good book to read at the end of the day, you always have something to look forward to no matter what happens.

21 – Go on retreat
My friend Joy does a silent retreat at least three times a year. She swears that it’s the secret to her blingy-ness. I believe that any kind of intentional retreat can do the trick. Silent retreats. Yoga retreats. Meditation retreats. Or even Great Big Dreams Retreats!
{I've wanted to go on a silent retreat for a while now, maybe it's time now, to clear my head, plot my direction, figure out my life. }

22 – Decide to be bling-y
Sometimes, it just comes down to making the choice to shine no matter what.

Christine Kane is the Mentor to Women Who are Changing the World. She helps women uplevel their lives, their businesses and their success. Her weekly LiveCreative eZine goes out to over 20,000 subscribers. If you are ready to take your life and your world to the next level, you can sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription at http://christinekane.com.
See Christine's blog at ChristineKane.com/blog.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Morning Saturday

This morning I woke up early to two sms's from my daughter in Houston, who had read my blog, and wanted to know what was wrong.  I've promised her an email to explain which should follow after this little 'chat'.

I've almost completed moving my things from the room downstairs and now need to concentrate on putting away the winter items, removing the things I no longer love, wear and want and will drop them at my Mom who has a lady in her area who sells these items.  I already have quite a bit to drop off.  I also have quite a bit of stuff to box up.  I took down my jewelry organiser and of course, a bunch on necklaces together always cuddle closely and I've spent a good half hour detangling them, which is not such fun.  But, it also gave me a chance to relook what I do have and removed a few items.

I hope to get through the majority of my items today.  I'm also thinking of heading out and getting a clothing rail.  I really am battling with the size of the wardrobe and need a little more hanging space.

Next room, my study/scrapbooking area! 

I hope to have all this decluttered and sorted by the the first week in December.  I've asked my boys to go through their toys as well as there is stuff they have not played with in ages and I'm sure some of it can go to charity.  Before they head off on their holiday, I want to go through their wardrobes as well and get rid of the tatty and too small items ... I love losing a little 'weight' ... don't you?

Well, I've had my wee break and chat, hope you enjoyed your tea.

Til later ... keep it simple, keep it sassy.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Feeling ...

... a little disappointed,
a wee bit heartbroken,
a little bit foolish,
slightly disillusioned,
feel like I was played for a fool,
led on to believe a lie,
slight taken advantage of,
led to believe some falsehoods,
sad ... and so terribly alone,
but mostly, heartbroken and disppointed in myself for
going ahead when the alarm bells ran.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Something old ... something new

Some days I feel inspired.  Some days I have more energy to fiddle with things than others ... today is one of those days, or more specifically, this evening is one as I ditched the 'good mom' image and took the family to McDonald's for dinner.  I was just TOOO tired to cook and way too hot as well.

Something old : my jacket
Something new : my skirt

I picked this skirt up on sale at Contempo about two weeks ago for R120.00.  I liked the print and it's 'heavy' enough for winter as well.  I have mostly tried to buy pants and skirts that I can wear through all the seasons and this lived up to that.  The skirt is a little bit tight, but the next size up was huge and I am so bad about getting clothes sized that I'd rather go with the snug fit.

It's so hot here again, it reached into the early 30's (Celcius).  I'm thankful as always that I work in an office, even if we can't adjust the aircon to suit ourselves, it's cooler than being out there.  I always feel for the kids.

On Friday I want to go and take photos of Jarod doing scholar patrol.  I think it would make a great scrapbook page for his album.  I think it's his last patrol for the year. 

Well, before I melt completely, I'm heading away to let the fan blow my hair around.  Hope your day was awesome.

Keep it Simple, Keep it Sassy.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bright 'n breezy

I took my photos before I left for work this morning.  I had a real early start to my day.  I was up and exercising before 5am ... was ready by 6 and even made G-man and myself scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast - that does not happen on a work morning.

It was breezy out this morning at 6:20am

Skirt : Fashion Express
Top : Truworths
Sandals : Truworths
Beads : Edgars
Earrings : (I think Mz T gave them to me)
Bangles : Edgars

Exams start on Thursday for Miss Bean and the boys start writing next week ... we're hurtling towards the end of the school year way too quickly and before I know it, my kiddies will be jetting off to Houston again.  At least they'll get to see their Dad and sister and they'll be there to celebrate her 21st with her.

Well, my day is done.  Tomorrow promises to be a little crazy at this point, so I'd best get my beauty sleep.

Keep it 'Simply Sassy'.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Whackhead Simpson : Epic Fail

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I was sure Liam would hear it on the radio this past week, but he didn't.  So, much to my delight, he had no idea that Whackhead Simpson was signing his latest prankster CD's at The Glen this morning.  I told the kids to be ready by 9:15 this morning.  We headed to The Glen and I allowed the boys to go off and do some trawling with instructions to meet me at the Food Court by 9:45.

Courts and I headed to CNA and got the CD and as we were leaving I got a call from Liam all excited telling me that Whackhead was going to be there.  I am surprised that he didn't put the two together ... I actually choked up when he told me ... when I saw him, I called him over and gave him the CD and then got in line.  We waited a little while and when Whacked arrived, Liam's face lit up totally.  He was really excited.

Whackhead took some getting used to when he took over the morning show, but I really enjoy him most mornings.  He's full of funnies and laughter and comes across as a really genuine person.

An early Christmas gift I hope my lil boy appreciates.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


If you pass by here and you're an over Forty Fashionista ... please consider joining the weblink ... link found below the posts.  Its quick and easy.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Feeling fab on Friday

After noticing that a number of the maturer ladies whose blogs I visit were knotting their shirts, I decided to give it a go myself. 

I think it looked pretty sassy and overall, I loved this outfit and rate it around a 9/10 for a casual Friday look.  I usually wear jeans on a Friday and sometimes a denim skirt.  I wore the other denim skirt I own about twice and that's because it just fit totally wrong.  Now this one ... fits perfectly and it may well make many more appearances.
10 minutes after the storm this afternoon.
Age shouldn't affect you. It's just like the size of your shoes - they don't determine how you live your life! You're either marvellous or you're boring, regardless of your age.
Steven Morrissey

My wors (traditional South African type sausage) braaing (BBQ) G-man
Wors - traditional South African type sausage
Braai - to BBQ
I love the little frill detail on the back of this skirt

 Skirt : Fashion Express
Cami : Woolworths
Shirt : Pick 'n Pay
Shoes : Edgars
Bracelet : Charlotte Russe
Necklace : Miladys

So it's weekend again already and I have more of my decluttering and sorting on my list.  I also need to colour my hair, take my son to The Glen tomorrow for part of his Christmas present.  I got the laundry up to date last night, so there's just the days things to wash and the towels which we do on a Saturday morning.  Other times on my list like paint nails, sort out clothing and do some work on the month end report also feature.

I hope your weekend is fabulous whatever your plans on ... remember keep it simple and keep in sassy.